Beer of the Day Podcast - Founders - October 15th, 2015 - Beer of the Day

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Episode 19

Founders Brewing Company recently began distribution in California and we celebrate by featuring five of their beers. In our Strange Brew segment we try the newest addition to Stone's Stochasticity Project.

Episode Date:

October 15th, 2015

Episode Length:

1h 4m
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mokanmikey's Photo
mokanmikey Oct 16, 2015 at 11:50AM
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! (Monty Python and the Holy Grail quote ) You got the medieval part right !

kentksmn's Photo
kentksmn Oct 16, 2015 at 1:11PM
Since this week's was all about Founders beer, and per the info shared, Founders only recently got into CA - they have been in MN for quite some time now - here are 2 items, 1 for discussion and then one for a Podcast idea. The discussion item is in MN we are VERY into local (MN) beer scene -- not as much a some locations but more than many others, I hear you talk about CA beers but how about Sacramento or Northern CA beers only, it this a big issue in CA or not? Second...for a Podcast idea, in know it gets too regional since many of us cannot get them, but how about a show focused on Sacrament/Davis/Napa etc area beers only. Give us outstate and out of state listeners more reasons for a Beer-Cation focused on Northern CA.

dheliker's Photo
dheliker Oct 16, 2015 at 1:17PM
Excellent idea, and a Sacramento show is certainly on the horizon. The Sacramento beer scene has been growing rapidly over the past few years and great new breweries are popping up all the time. There are about 20 breweries in Sacramento-proper and nearly 50 within the Greater Sacramento area. I would say even over the last 2 years, there has been a huge increase in local bars and restaurants carrying local breweries, whereas a few years ago it was dominated by the big CA breweries: Sierra Nevada, Stone, Lagunitas, Firestone. Local grocery stores, Beverages and More, and Total Wine and More are all carrying more and more local breweries. Jeff was up here for the Founders show and on Saturday we visited 5 Nor Cal breweries. I have been to most of the breweries here. So we definitely have plenty to talk about. We generally have avoided trying to be 'too local' because most people in the country cannot get the beers we would be discussing. But you make a great point: featuring a region does give listeners an understanding of the beer scenes across the country, it does encourage 'beer-cations' to that region, and of course it works for all the listeners in that particular neck of the woods.

Generally shows fit into three categories: 1.) Beers for a particular region (Portland show, San Diego show, etc. usually after we make a visit to the particular city), 2.) Beers of a particular style (harder to do because it's a challenge to compare 5 coffee stouts), and 3.) Beers from a particular brewery. The last two shows have been brewery shows which are nice because you get a wide range of styles, plus you can do some history of the brewery.

I appreciate the feedback. Sacramento / Northern CA show is on the way!

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